We Are Velem

Velem is a full service production & post production house based in New York City. Velem is also a small bucolic village in Vas county, Hungary (but they are relatively unaware of us).

A Velem egy teljes körű szolgáltatást nyújtó gyártó és utómunkálati ház New York City-ben és. Velem egy kis falu Vas megyében is. Nincs semmi köze velük.

As a company, we value the ability to deliver best-in-class work for our clients. With a foundation strongly rooted in post production / technology, our team of producers and artists shape innovative work that solves challenges in efficient and unexpected ways. Our goal is to make the production process seamless without the need for multiple, overlapping vendors. As true partners in the creative process, we are forward-thinking, highly collaborative, and we play well with others.

Cégként értékeljük azt a képességet, hogy ügyfeleink számára osztályban legjobb munkát végezzünk. A posztprodukciókban erősen gyökerező alapokkal a gyártók és művészek csapata innovatív munkát alakít ki, amely hatékonyan és váratlan módon oldja meg a kihívásokat. Célunk az, hogy a gyártási folyamat zökkenőmentes legyen több, egymást átfedő szállító nélkül. Mint valódi partnerek az alkotói folyamatban, előretekintőnek vagyunk, szorosan együttműködünk, és másokkal jól játszunk

Our Services. Szolgáltatásaink.


Production Termelés

Location Management
Talent Sourcing
Technical Crew Assembly
Styling, Hair & Make-up
Prop Styling & Set Design
On-set retouching

Műszaki személyzet összeszerelése
Stílus, haj és smink
Prop stílus és készlet kialakítása
Beállított retusálás


Film / Post Videó

Coloring Grading
Motion Graphics & Design
Music Supervision
Music Composition
Sound Design & Mix
Visual Effects
CG Animation

Társadalmi integráció
VFX és befejező
Hangkeverés és mastering


Photography / Post Fényképezés

Color Grading
GIFs & Cinemagraphs
GMG Proofing
CG Rendering

GIF és mozifilmek
GMG igazolás
CG renderelés


Social / Strategy Társadalmi / stratégia

Concept Development
Graphic Design
Brand Strategy
Asset Strategy
Distribution Services
SEO & Social Strategy
Social Media

Koncepció kidolgozása
Grafikai tervezés
Eszköz stratégia
Terjesztési szolgáltatások
SEO és szociális stratégia
Közösségi média

Our Clients. Az ügyfeleink.

Brandon Maxwell

We’re proud to count American fashion designer and iconoclast Brandon Maxwell as a long-time collaborator. As Maxwell has advanced in his career, from Fashion Director for Lady Gaga to the launch of his own label and independent brand projects, we’ve helped to bring his unique vision to life. Our work together has resulted in wealth of creative outputs, from fashion campaign films, print images and digital assets, to brand partnership content and short-form documentary. Following the designer’s highly personal, unconventional approach to fashion, we work with Maxwell in true creative partnership to tell powerful, original and authentic stories.

Brandon Maxwell
Jessy Price
Santiago Gonzalez


The Brandon Maxwell Spring Summer 2019 Campaign images star Emily DiDonato while the films are narrated by Lynn Wyatt, the Spring collection’s ultimate muse. Lynn’s inimitable style and unique take on fashion lend an authentic voice to the campaign video.
The campaign is a continued celebration of a collection designed in Texas. An ode to Brandon’s home state.


Brandon Maxwell's maternal grandmother Louise Johnson, affectionately known as “Mammaw”, is directed in campaign stills and video by Brandon and Jessy Price for the Fall Winter 2018 campaign. The video, a combination of archival imagery and recent footage gives homage to Mammaw, her influence on Brandon and their hometown of Longview, Texas.


S/S 18

Jourdan Dunn alongside her son Riley Dunn star in Brandon Maxwell’s Spring 2018 advertising campaign and video. Written, directed and shot by Brandon Maxwell and his filmmaking partner Jessy Price, the campaign gives a touching and personal glimpse into the dynamic connection between mother and son. The still images and short film were shot in New York, first in Ryan Korban’s new luxury residential project 40 Bleecker Street, and then at Jane’s Carousel in DUMBO, Brooklyn


The FW17 campaign is about these six women being able to find peace and contentment with themselves in a chaotic world that constantly keeps them on their toes. I wanted to capture the collection the way that I see it during fittings and during the creation process. It helps to better explain why I create the clothes that I do, which are meant to enhance a woman’s personality, goals, talents, and desires -- never to outshine her.” -Brandon


The Spring Summer 2017 campaign is based on the life of Brandon’s close friend and muse Riley Montana. The model is captured throughout her hometown of Detroit, Michigan among her family in a cinéma vérité style while musing on the nature of stars. The video, accompanied by a print campaign, is deeply personal and shows her evolution as a woman from Ebony Riley to Riley Montana.


The inaugural campaign for the Fall Winter 2016 collection was directed and photographed by Brandon at the Top of the Standard in Manhattan, New York. In addition to print imagery, Brandon produced a short video featuring models Blanca Padilla, Herieth Paul, Leila Nda, Maria Borges, Ophelie Guillermand, and Riley Montana. Set to voicemail messages left by his family following his FW16 show, the deeply personal film captures Brandon’s strong bond to his work and to his family.
